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The Smithy

Before the years of urbanization and industrialization, the vast majority of things needed in a community were produced locally. Whether we are talking about basic foods, such as flour and oil, whether we are talking about necessary objects  in the household or various tools, the community was organized in such a way that it could provide as much as possible much of what its members need. Therefore, in the villages of the Plopiş Mountains, there were various workshops in the past centuries: carpentry, blacksmithing, blacksmithing and so on.

The smithy (forge) was an indispensable workshop in any locality. This job was usually inherited from father to son. The blacksmith served the needs of the village community, and sometimes his products were sold in weekly or annual fairs. The specific nature of the localities in this area, that of mountain villages, with many of the inhabitants working in the forestry sector, imposed a high demand for tools necessary for this craft. Axes, sickles, axes, chains, and hoes were made. In addition to these, objects necessary for agricultural work or even agricultural harnesses, such as the metal support of carriages and wheels, were also produced. In some households, tools such as a hoe, scythe, pitchfork, fork, made in this area decades ago, can still be found today. Some items needed by women in weaving or in the household were also made by the community blacksmith.

The necessary raw material, represented by iron ores, was usually brought from the southern part of the county, where such resources existed, and then processed in the workshop. The manufactured objects were diverse and ensured the performance of the main local activities.

In the Forge Workshop at Huta Slavia, hundreds of such objects collected from the locals of this area are exhibited. The objects, of great variety, are testimonies of times when each community managed to be self-sufficient, producing a good part of what it needed.

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